
According to the National Health Survey, 190 million people in India go to bed hungry every night. Growing marginalization, population and dissimilarities that prevail in the society, put more and more people to migrate and fell as platform   dwelling families as homeless families. Families migrate to urban centers to get their work and ensure livelihood, ended in living in platforms, and slums. You can support one family with a meal or two through our organisation. We will share the pictures of the family/families being supported by your compassion.

Food to homeless costs ₹30


MVKS strongly believes that donor and beneficiary are the focus point in our work that will create good impact in beneficiary. We will share receipt, photos with donor name, on each and every donation, and also the annual reports to our donors promptly.

If you do not receive photos or not satisfied on our work, we assure that you can get the refund of your donation.