Food Donate

You can help feed humanity and help a Orphanage beat their hunger. Your contribution can go a long way in providing reliable supply of meals to the Orphanage people. Futhermore, We send you a picture of the Orphanage person we feed with your comassionate contribution.

1)  Name of the NGO:


2) Full Address of the NGO:

5A, Neruji Nagar, Mill Gate, Pettai IT (Opposite)Tirunelveli-627010.

E-Mail: Mobile: 9489091948, 9976649066

3) Name of the NGO Head/Incharge Name: Mr.S.N.Saravanan, Secretary 

4) NGO's Details with in Ten words:

To work for the special attention to the needs and aspirations of the socially and economically marginalized, Communities and other weaker segments of society, physically and mentally handicapped persons, orphans and poor  destitute with due focus on women children and Old Ages.

To work for the treatment  of all illness, preventing illness and to work for the institutional care, free Medicine to the poor and needy and to organize Conferences, Seminars, Blood donation camps, Eye care camps, Organ donation camps and to operative Free service. 

To work for the effective implementation of welfare scheme to the unprivileged section of the Society for reaping the benefits of development schemes Central and State Government, such as pension to the aged poor, Physically challenged, widows, Poverty people, Agricultural labour and to see that the Socially and Economically downtrodden are getting the benefits of central and State Government formulated the welfare Schemes.

To work for reaching the welfare schemes and development program to the unreached to whom the schemes were meant. 

To help the poor and downtrodden and to establish promote, run, maintain, assist, support homes and asylums for the ailing  poor ,aged and or aid in setting up and or maintaining and or running  the Orphanage Homes, Old age Home  and Home for the Handicapped mentally retarded etc. 

To establish suitable and well designed home for the Aged persons in the society to ameliorate their hardship  at fag end of their life , for peaceful living. 

To start, maintain and assist any relief measures in those parts which are or become subjected to natural calamities such as flood, fire, drought, famine, cyclone, earth quake, epidemic, storm, accident, pestilence etc. 

To work for the welfare of the poor students and for their education.

To provide financial or other assistance in kind by way of distribution of Books, Note Books, Cloths, Uniforms or Meals for the poor and indigent Students. 

To set up Women’s self employment training centers/Institutions of women in distress.

To establish full- fledged Technical Training Centers such as Computer center, Tailoring Centre for providing free technical education to the poor, rural people and students and downtrodden peopl

5)  Activites one photo of the NGO:


Touch with us

Office Address

38, SanthaiPettai Street
Srivilliputtur – 626 125
Virudhunagar District
Tamil Nadu,India

Phone number

+9186100 17545

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